Monday, 21 January 2013

1st Meetup

I would just like to thank everyone who turned up it was a really good meeting up and chatting to you all.

here are a couple of pics and a time lapse of the night.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Fabri-con is a meet up for people interested in all types of fabrication processes. Do you work with 3D printing, laser cutting, Vinyl cutting, cnc milling, model making or indeed any other kind of making? If so come along and discuss your ideas and thoughts on these production methods and learn about other processes at this fabrication meet-up. If you have a desktop 3D printer, cnc mill, plotter or work that you would like to show to your peers please feel free to bring it along. We will be meeting in the Recyclism Hacklab This coming Friday January 18 at 6PM.